Good Practice

Canwill Framework Static 1

For WIL activities to be meaningful and effective, they must be authentic, clearly linked to learning outcomes, and effectively assessed. Engagement with industry is key to the effective design of WIL.

In this section, we provide tools and guidance for designing and delivering ‘Good’ WIL.

The CANWILL framework 3.5Cantalini-Williams, M. (2015). Teacher candidates’ experiences in non-traditional practicum placements: developing dimensions for innovative work-integrated learning models. In N. Maynes & B. E. Hatt (Eds.), The complexity of hiring, supporting, and retaining new teachers across Canada: Canadian Association for Teacher Education below, provides a helpful visual representation of WIL design criteria.

What is Good WIL?

The characteristics of good WIL include:

  • clear links with the course;
  • strong engagement with industry;
  • clear and explicit expectations of students and industry partners;
  • clear processes for logistics, induction and support of students and industry partners;
  • facilitated opportunities for reflection by students and industry partners; and
  • dedicated support from university staff, including academics

If you have examples of your own work in WIL to share, or useful resources that you think should be included in the Guide, please contact us at the Australian Council of Deans of Science