Science Threshold Learning Outcomes (TLOs) The Threshold Learning Outcomes for Science (Science TLOs) are nationally agreed descriptions of what a science graduate should know and be able to do. The Science TLOs set the framework for learning objectives for individual science degrees, which cascades to individual subject areas. The Science TLOs are endorsed by the ACDS and are a national reference point for learning in science and mathematical sciences. On these pages you will find information about: Science TLO Statements What are the learning outcome statements for Science and Maths?The Learning Outcome family What are the Science TLOs for?National Regulation Why are national standards important?Course Design How are TLOs used in course design?Benchmarking How can TLOs be used in audit and benchmarking? The Science TLOs were created through national consensus in a project led by the Science Discipline Scholars, Professors Sue Jones and Brian Yates as part of the Learning and Teaching Academic Standards project of the Australian Learning and Teaching Council Ltd, an initiative of the Australian Government. The Learning and Teaching Academic Standards project produced threshold learning outcomes across a wide range of disciplines and developed models for other disciplines to reach their own consensus. Individual reports for each related project are available from the Resource Library of the Office for Learning and Teaching. The Science Discipline Scholars, Sue Jones and Brian Yates, extended their work through the construction of: good practice guides to help university science and mathematics teaching teams to use the Science TLOs in course designstudent-friendly versions of the Science TLOs to help students link consensus outcomes to their own achievement Related Pages Science TLOs The Learning Outcome family National regulation Science TLO Good Practice Guides Benchmarking