Five minute physics

5 Minute Physics
First Year, Second Year, Third Year
Guided activity, Laboratory, Lecture
Electromagnetism, Mathematics, Mechanics, Optics / Waves, Physics, Thermal Physics and Statistics
The University of Queensland
Mar 2021

Modules to support undergraduate physics with pages containing teaching material in the form of text, images, videos and interactive simulations.

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About this resource


Modules designed to support learning across a range of undergraduate courses (first-year algebra-based physics, second-year physics of fields, student designed simulations, undergraduate physics laboratories, wavefront approach to geometric optics, Greek symbols). Each module consists of a set of pages containing teaching material in the form of text, images, videos and interactive simulations. Feedback is provided in the form of short multiple choice quizzes.



Pedagogical backing


Related lessons are organised into clearly structured modules. These online modules are designed for class preparation, ahead of active-learning style classes. They would be well suited to a flipped classroom approach.

These electronic learning modules were designed for students to access before attending lectures, providing students with a fundamental understanding of course material, and preparing them for in-class activities that are interactive and collaborative.

How is the resource used

The authors suggest using these modules in place of textbook readings to prepare students ahead of active-learning style classes.

Student evaluation

This resource is currently used across several physics courses (~1000 students) at the University of Queensland to prepare students for in-class activities. This approach was tested in a large first-year physics course (up to 500 students) with results published in the Teaching and Learning Inquiry Journal in 2018 ( ).


Tim McIntyre, The University of Queensland,

Margaret Wegener, The University of Queensland,

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