ASELL workshops 2015

Monash Gcf Cropped

ASELL (Advancing Science and Engineering through Laboratory Learning) has created a database of peer-reviewed, educationally sound undergraduate science experiments.  ASELL experiments are authored by contributing academic staff, reviewed in workshops by students and academic peers and include how-to resources for adaptation to local environments.  ASELL workshops and other activities provide terrific opportunities in professional development of science academics.  Participants expand their understanding of issues about laboratory learning and educational theory and together build a community of best practice of laboratory educators.  ASELL experiments offer inbuilt benchmarking between institutions.

The next ASELL National Science workshop will be held at the Monash University from Wednesday 25 November – Friday 27 November 2015. This workshop will involve a mixture of discussions and laboratory-based activities.  Universities are invited to send a team to showcase an experiment and receive feedback regarding the experiment itself and the educational relevance of the experiment.  This workshop will include sessions in biology, physics and chemistry and will use the new Green Chemicals Building (pictured).  Evaluated experiments may then be published to the ASELL database for future use.

So, add this workshop to your teaching and learning diary and circulate the ASELL workshop 2015 flyer.  Its time to dust off your favourite lab experiences, write them up and contact the ASELL team.