How does gender affect the experience of science students?

Nathan Dumlao Ewgmqs2tmji Unsplash

Are you a science educator at an Australian university?

Be part of a national study investigating the gendered experience of Australian undergraduate science students.

In Australia, little research exists on the gender issues female students face at an undergraduate level. A PhD project is currently underway exploring how gendered experiences for students in undergraduate science degrees are impacting their persistence in this career pathway. As part of this work, undergraduate science students are being surveyed and interviewed across multiple Australian universities to capture the first national snapshot of the critical issues facing women in science at an undergraduate level.

Currently, science educators in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics, preferably at a first or final-year level, are being recruited to help disseminate a short 10-minute survey to their students now or at the start of Semester 1, 2020. Preview the survey here. Those interested in participating at encouraged to contact the primary researcher Camilla Fisher.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash.