Measuring graduate learning outcomes and standards

Agricultural Science 003

Standards for learning and teaching are taking a front-row seat in discussion about curriculum with the advent of Higher Education Standards developed by the Higher Education Standards Panel and applied by the regulator, TEQSA. Standards are our benchmarks for the success of our curriculum. The establishment of national Science Threshold Learning Outcomes is an important step in considering what a science degree should deliver.  The ACDS TL Centre has begun a project to help Faculties use the TLOs as a reference point for learning standards for science and, more profoundly, for improvement of science curriculum.  The project has gathered together some key ideas and resources about standards for consideration (see ACDS Projects: Science Threshold Learning Outcomes).

The project kicks off with an ACDS workshop in Melbourne, Feb 22 (see News: Science TLO workshop).  The Centre will be looking for TL leaders to bring together issues and ideas in an ACDS national statement. Tell us about your ideas and experiences with measuring learning outcomes through the Centre online discussion or send to