ACDS submission to University Research Commercialisation consultation paper

Uni Research Commercialisation

The submission highlights four broad areas:

  1. The societal benefits of university research can be enhanced, not so much by developing university IP per se, but rather by more productive collaborations with industry, for example via incubators and campus-based industry-led research centres.
  2. Deriving more industry innovation from university research is a matter of expanding the research culture, rather than replacing basic research with commercial research. The characteristics that make for excellent basic research are often in contrast with those that make for successful entrepreneurship. The objective will be to create the right mix of people, and that will take time.
  3. Mission-driven schemes can work well to drive university-industry engagement, but only if well organised and resourced. The good examples cited in the consultation paper all demonstrate this point.
  4. Since the National Innovation and Science Agenda universities have made considerable progress in developing stronger industry engagement, progress that should be recognised and built upon.

Read the full submission here.